IMF Blog IMF Blog

The Top Ten Blogs of 2016

What a year it has been.  12 months with big implications for the global economy.

In 2016 our readers’ curiosity focused on a wide range of hot topics in the world of economic and financial policy: the economic impact of migration, China’s economic transition, the prospects for negative interest rates, the way forward for Greece, the future of commodity prices, and the outlook for Latin America, to name a few.  We compiled this top ten list for the past year based on readership. 

1. Oil Prices and the Global Economy: It’s Complicated

2. The IMF is Not Asking Greece for More Austerity

3. The Broader View: The Positive Effects of Negative Nominal Interest Rates

4. Greece: Toward a Workable Program

5. Latin America and the Caribbean in 2016: Adjusting to a Harsher Reality

6. The ECB’s Negative Rate Policy Has Been Effective but Faces Limits

7. We Need Forceful Policies to Avoid the Low-Growth Trap

8. A “New Normal” for the Oil Market

9. Who Wins and Who Loses As China Rebalances

10. Migrants Bring Economic Benefits for Advanced Economies

We also include these honorable mentions—blogs that piqued readers’ interest:

Doing It All—Women Boost the Bottom Line for Home, Firm, and Country

Imagine What Fiscal Policy Could Do For Innovation

A Shifting U.S. Policy Mix: Global Rewards and Risks

From all the editors at iMFdirect, we wish our readers a year ahead full of peace and interesting reading.